Sunday 28 August 2011

Help, my dog ​​vomiting

!±8± Help, my dog ​​vomiting

Vomiting in dogs is a very common phenomenon and may depend on a variety of causes, from simple gastritis to complex diseases of other organ systems. It is not only very stressful for the dog and owner, but also provides a challenge for the veterinarian. This article explains the multiple causes of vomiting in dogs, including reactions to foods, and the range of treatment options available.

What is vomiting?

Vomiting is the expulsion of food, liquid or solid objectfrom the stomach or small intestine through the coordinated movements of the gastrointestinal system, muscle and nervous. It 'important to address this regurgitation, which to differentiate a passive process, rather than a coordinated effort like vomiting.

Regurgitation is a sign of disease in the esophagus, such as obstructions (foreign object such as a bone stick, or a toy, or a stricture), esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) or megaesophagus (dilatation of the esophagus withThe weakening of the smooth muscle). The main difference between regurgitation and vomiting is that regurgitation is effortless, while vomiting is accompanied by strong abdominal contractions.

How can I tell vomiting and regurgitation apart?

Sometimes this is not easy to do. In general, if it happens immediately after eating is more likely regurgitation (vomiting can also occur if then). If the content seems to exclude the material is completely digestedFood, which also supports regurgitation. If the presence of bile can be confirmed if it is more likely that it is vomiting.

Causes of vomiting

The most common causes of vomiting are dietary related, either through dietary indiscretion (eg overeating, eating too much rich food or used), the acute (sudden) vomiting, or reactions to foods (food allergies), chronic ( may cause long-term and intermittent) vomiting.

However, there are a variety of other causesboth from the gastro-intestinal system itself (stomach and small intestine) or secondary to disease in other parts of the body (eg liver or kidney disease). Inside the stomach, possible causes are:

1 gastritis (inflammation)

2 gastric

3 Stomach cancer

4 Obstruction (foreign bodies, telescoping of intestine)

5 hiatal hernia (part of the stomach through the diaphragm herniating)

Possible causes of the colon are:

1Infectious diseases (eg parvovirus)

Worms 2

Inflammatory bowel disease 3

4 Cancer

Secondary causes of vomiting that cause diseases in other parts of the body are:

1 Pancreatitis (infection or inflammation of the pancreas)

2 Peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity)

3 Hepatitis (liver inflammation)

4 Renal

5 Pyometra (infection of the uterus)

6 hormonal deficiencies or excesses (eg AddisonsDiseases, diabetes mellitus, sepsis, an imbalance of calcium)

Other possible causes that do not fall into the above categories are reactions (eg digoxin, chemotherapy drugs, NSAIDs) and neurological disorders.

The treatment of vomiting

Vomiting is a symptom, not a disease in itself. If treatment is suitable will depend on individual circumstances. If the dog is only vomiting occasionally, is bright and otherwise normal in the study, the treatment is not likelynecessary. Some dogs with sensitive digestive system once or twice a month, regardless of treatment vomiting, and if they would otherwise be ignored.

For acute vomiting cases the first step should always be to starve the dog for 24 hours (and so much water available ad lib.) After the time of the famine, the dog should be in small portions, a very simple foods like chicken and boiled rice are offered, for a few days. Meals should be fed as smaller portionsseveral times a day, instead of a larger meal.

Although the treatment of symptoms often improve patient comfort and appearance, there is no substitute for making a correct diagnosis of underlying cause, and some medications can be harmful if blind (for example, metoclopramide, a dog with a certain stomach or intestinal obstruction). Certainly require acute cases of severe vomiting and immediate treatment, as dogs can become dehydrated quickly, develop electrolyte abnormalitiesand aspiration pneumonia otherwise.

Manage your dog vomiting

There are 2 goals when it comes to a dog vomit:

1 Identify the underlying cause

2 Stop the vomiting in a safe and effective

In many cases (the technical term for vomiting, vomiting, and in that medications should be treated with drugs called anti-emetics) anti-emetic therapy initiated immediately, while the cause is established.

A veterinarian will start by a complete history,Focus is on normal diet, the newer medications, vaccination status and description of symptoms. He or she must first make sure the dog is vomiting and not regurgitating really a cause completely different. It 'also important to have included a graphic description of the material, and if the bile, fresh blood, and are or what appears to be coffee granules (partly digested blood).

The next step is a thorough clinical examination,including carefully feeling the abdomen, where the dogs rectal temperature and evaluation of water balance. Once this is completed, a veterinarian has a little 'narrowed the list of differential diagnoses in mind. If the dog is not dehydrated, shiny appearance, and both vital parameters and feeling the abdomen were normal, the veterinarian often (rightly) a presumptive diagnosis of gastritis or gastroenteritis if diarrhea is present, and antibioticsto fight the bacterial infection is likely. The owner is then likely be sent home with instructions to starve the dog for 24 hours and give bland food for a few days close to the antibiotics. The owner is invited to observe the dog closely, and return immediately if there are signs of deterioration, or 2 or 3 days later for a check-up routine.

If there are findings of the clinical history and physical examination that trigger concern, then further tests are needed. Thefirst of these is usually blood tests for hematology and biochemistry profiles. Urine and feces can be analyzed, the latter is for bad bacteria or parasites. Additional laboratory tests may in certain circumstances, such as bile acid stimulation tests be required if hepatic dysfunction is suspected, or seek a disease of the adrenal ACTH stimulation test.

The next phase of the program to include images. The most useful is abdominal radiography (X-rays), but ultrasound andEndoscopy can also be very important. Radiography and endoscopy both have to be performed under general anesthesia, while the ultrasound is done deliberately. If the image does not show the cause then biopsies are taken, either endoscopically guided or via exploratory surgery. Histopathology of these samples (microscopic examination of tissue) can provide important clues to the cause, in particular by distinguishing between inflammation and cancer.

The finalTherapeutic option is the diagnostic process. If the dog gets better on their prescribed medications, then there must be some kind of disease that responded to this drug. This reasoning may wormers, antibiotics or an exclusion diet trial are selected.

Drugs used in treatment of vomiting

Antacids and stomach protectors 1

These drugs are useful when it is suspected stomach ulcer. Examples include sucralfate (acts like a plaster over the ulcer), H2-antagonists(Reduce acid production) and omeprazole (also reduces acidity).

2 Metoclopramide

This drug blocks a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the brain, which prevents the activation of the vomiting in the brain (called the chemoreceptor trigger zone). There is only partially effective Here, though, and has the added effect of increasing forward motility of the 'gut. That is, should never be dogs that might have a stomach or intestinal obstruction are given. It can alsoCause mental changes such as hyperactivity and disorientation.

3 Phenothiazines (eg Acepromazine, ACP)

These are effective in blocking dopamine receptors prior to other receptors also participate in the vomiting reflex. They are usually used when metoclopramide failed, but they also have unwanted side effects such as hypotension and sedation.

4 Antihistamines

Histamine receptors are also present in the chemoreceptor trigger zone, the partof the brain that controls the vomiting reflex. Antihistamines are effective in stopping the vomiting associated with motion sickness are, but too little use against other causes.

5 Domperidone

Domperidone has a similar effect to metoclopramide, which blocks dopamine receptors and secondarily blocks serotonin receptors, but has the effect of metoclopramide promotility. However, vulvar enlargement side effects and possible effects on fertility.


This is a new drug that a neurokinin 1 (NK1). It can be administered orally or by injection and is extremely effective at stopping vomiting, working on the vomiting center in the brain and the stomach, it was considered so effective at stopping vomiting that veterinarians must be careful to properly investigate potentially causes that could be fatally dangerous masked by this drug.

Help, my dog ​​vomiting

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