Friday, 14 October 2011

How To Get Over Him - Quickly

!±8± How To Get Over Him - Quickly

Let me make one thing clear: this has nothing to do with love.

I'm no expert. The very word makes me nauseous and sets my body to a defensive mode. But I have had my heart broken once or twice. Badly. By some pathetic loser by the way who, in my blissful juvenile ignorance, contained my whole world: my oxygen, my insides, my reason for being without whom I'd wither and die to nothingness blah, blah.

Somebody should have whacked me across the head with a Dr. Phil self-help bestseller in hard cover - it may have been enough to cause selective amnesia. But no, I have had to endure many, many self-inflicted humiliations the magnitude of which almost surpasses George W. Bush's abundant stream of faux pas, which I suspect include nuking someone's ticker.

With no access to a warhead, however, to deploy my heart's retribution, I resorted to good old fashioned emotional meltdown that rivaled Chernobyl. Not only have I said and done it all in the name of witless love - things I loathe to enumerate lest the wrath of Virginia Woolf strikes me dead - I have listened excruciatingly to my girlfriends and their hearts' lament on losing Mr. Loser, er, Mr. Right. And the twisted plot to get him back.

What I bemoan most of all is that not one good sista gave it to me straight. That I will change.

So, if a looming break-up is coming your way (trust me, we can all see it coming!), read, learn and gain wisdom from the mistakes of others because you don't want to make them all!

For the ladies who have been-there-done-that and, hopefully, out of the singles jungle, enjoying the safety and comfort of Tarzan's little love-nest high up on the treetops, be a real friend and show the girls how it's done.

Delete, delete, delete ... all traces of your ex.

If your memory is better than mine, there are two phone numbers you know by heart: your mum's and your ex's. In your quest to "get over him", first, delete him from your digital memory store starting with your mobile phone. Erase his mobile number, work phone, home phone, his best friend's number, his mother's number - especially!

If you're an IM user, block him immediately and blacklist his email address from your mailbox.

Then remove every piece of clothing, toiletry and dirty underwear he left behind in your bathroom. And no, don't even think of washing and neatly packaging these into a bundle for him. The concierge has closed and will not be re-opening. Ever.

Whatever you do, DO NOT call him.

It's pathetic, really. What are you hoping to accomplish? No, you won't get him back because he's not coming back. The bottom line is if he dumped you, he's not into you. Sound familiar? The word on the street is true and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

OK, so there are those lucky people that get back together and live happily ever after.

In the movies!

If you're living in the same world as I, you know it's the exception, not the rule. Sadly, most women seem to think, to their detriment, that their situation is somehow always an exception: as if they live in a parallel reality where the rules of engagement do not apply because for some unknown and far-imagined reason, many are under the illusion that they're immune to life's cruel veracity. Well, you're not. The rule of life rules, unless the odd exception, freak-of-nature type event occurs. And it rarely happens. The sooner you realise that, the better.

So, in your moment of pathetic weakness, it's completely understandable and even acceptable to max out your credit card for much needed retail therapy. Even indulge in uncharacteristically obscene behaviour including binge-drinking, a drunken pash or two with complete strangers, or hysterical emotional outbursts in embarrassingly crowded places. Just make sure you're in the company of people who give a damn about you - your friends.

Scream. Cry. Laugh. Do whatever it takes to flush him out of your system. But for goodness' sake, do not call your ex.

Should I return the gold watch he gave me?
Are you kidding me? It's yours. Keep it. Or better yet, take all the valuable items he's ever given you to cash converters - the gold necklace for your birthday, the beautiful pair of earrings last Christmas and that gorgeous bracelet for Valentine's Day. Then buy yourself a new pair of Jimmy Choos. It will elevate your height as well as your mood.

Turning his precious little gifts, which are rightfully yours, into cold hard cash will satisfy a scorned woman's desire for sweet revenge. Albeit briefly. But who cares? Right now, little victories are what you need to get you over the line. And over him.

Let's be friends? Yeah, right!
Oh, please! If you are insisting on remaining friends with an ex who dumped you like vomit, you're up o something and it won't do you any good.

Problem is, you can't see it. So let me make it clearer for you: he's not coming back.

Wake up and smell the stench. You're standing on a gigantic pile of horseshit collected over the years starting from the time you believed in the myth of Cinderella. Didn't you know? She divorced her prince two months later: they weren't compatible after all.

So, think long and hard about your real motivations. Life is good but it ain't a fairytale.

If he's the one wanting to remain friends, well, beware. Remember, he dumped you. So it's neither an invitation for renewed romance nor for any kind of "real" friendship you want or need right now.

Let me tell you a little secret. Most guys, unfortunately, are cowards. They are scared to death of hurting our feelings because we all go "emotional on them!. They will do anything to weasel their way out of very difficult situations. The fact is, if he wants you, and I mean want-you-so-badly-it-hurts, there are no mixed messages. He will move heaven and earth to be with you. If he's not in to you, the only thing he'll move is his thumb: "want 2 come over 2nite?"

Need I say more?

Get a life ... darn good one!
The sweetest revenge is to live a happy life. And it's the only way to live.

But first, change your sheets.

Call your friends. Dance around the house in your underwear or naked if you prefer. Attend a party. Drink good champagne. Wear amazingly red lipstick. Strut around in ridiculously high stilettos. Visit your hairdresser.


Chat up a good looking guy at a funky bar. Wear perfume. Flirt. Play games and play it cool. This time, you're the predator, not the prey. Take a risk.

You're so sexy. Who wouldn't want you?

And if you're still weary of rejoining the singles jungle, here's a tip: run an ad for a male flatmate. You may be surprised at what you'll find. Tarzan might just come knocking at your door.

Live life. It's the only one you've got.

Robelen Bajar is a freelance writer with a Mr. Strong Man who's so in to her.

How To Get Over Him - Quickly

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Sunday, 25 September 2011

How to Trace Cell Phone Location

!±8± How to Trace Cell Phone Location

New advances in technology have made it possible for anyone to follow a mobile position.

These advances in technology that has been traced a cell phone position due to a series of recent events, including the events of September 11, 2001. Technological innovations that have occurred since then include the integration of GPS technology in most mobile phones, as well as an improved ability to recognize a mobile-location signals from local transmissionTowers.

There are a number of services on the Internet that you can track the location of a mobile phone. It is possible, thermal water interface and appearance are different, butthey with the same data by telecommunications companies.

Previously the only way to access this technology was to pick up a phone has been able to trace, to buy equipment and use of this equipment was largely regulated to official organizations like the police.

The way in which the operation of these services is with the collectionInformation provided by the telecommunications company that provides mobile phone services. This information includes the location of the phone as a combination of factors, including the GPS calculated as mentioned above, and the distance to each of the next cell phone transmission towers. This is the same information given to police.

There are many reasons why you want a cell phone location, such as trying to figure out where a friend or relative prices, as we can pursueto find your way, tracking the location of a child, meeting with friends, and tries to shops and restaurants in your area. Companies use these services to their employees to track position and also provide security for the employees if they work in a remote location on their own. In the end, there are probably many reasons, not users.

The way it works GPS technology in modern cell phones varies between different mobile networks, andsome providers do not continuously transmit location. This means that if you have a cell location, the information you want to pursue in the congregation gathered most of the radio tower sites.

The position of the phone will be tracked by triangulation - by 2 or more readings, it is possible to calculate where the signal comes through the establishment of a triangle that fits the signal strength. The third point is the position ofTel

However, if the person has an emergency call from the phone, this GPS transmission will always be sent. This is to ensure that the police always follows a mobile phone able to get help for those who need it.

The result of this project is that the accuracy of position determination is provided through the service will be higher in more densely populated areas and have more radio transmission towers will be lower in areas where there are very fewRadio antennas, that is the steppe, desert, or unpopulated areas of the landscape. This makes it easy to provide a location device with a high degree of accuracy in built up areas.

However, it should be the most times you trace a cell phone location information from mobile phone masts in order. After all, you do not need to know the person on site with a lot of accuracy for most purposes.

How to Trace Cell Phone Location

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Saturday, 17 September 2011

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!±8± Warning About Buy here pay here car lots

Before the device through your hard earned money in a buy here pay here car lot, there are some things you should know about. This information can save a lot of money now and in the future.

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Sunday, 28 August 2011

Help, my dog ​​vomiting

!±8± Help, my dog ​​vomiting

Vomiting in dogs is a very common phenomenon and may depend on a variety of causes, from simple gastritis to complex diseases of other organ systems. It is not only very stressful for the dog and owner, but also provides a challenge for the veterinarian. This article explains the multiple causes of vomiting in dogs, including reactions to foods, and the range of treatment options available.

What is vomiting?

Vomiting is the expulsion of food, liquid or solid objectfrom the stomach or small intestine through the coordinated movements of the gastrointestinal system, muscle and nervous. It 'important to address this regurgitation, which to differentiate a passive process, rather than a coordinated effort like vomiting.

Regurgitation is a sign of disease in the esophagus, such as obstructions (foreign object such as a bone stick, or a toy, or a stricture), esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) or megaesophagus (dilatation of the esophagus withThe weakening of the smooth muscle). The main difference between regurgitation and vomiting is that regurgitation is effortless, while vomiting is accompanied by strong abdominal contractions.

How can I tell vomiting and regurgitation apart?

Sometimes this is not easy to do. In general, if it happens immediately after eating is more likely regurgitation (vomiting can also occur if then). If the content seems to exclude the material is completely digestedFood, which also supports regurgitation. If the presence of bile can be confirmed if it is more likely that it is vomiting.

Causes of vomiting

The most common causes of vomiting are dietary related, either through dietary indiscretion (eg overeating, eating too much rich food or used), the acute (sudden) vomiting, or reactions to foods (food allergies), chronic ( may cause long-term and intermittent) vomiting.

However, there are a variety of other causesboth from the gastro-intestinal system itself (stomach and small intestine) or secondary to disease in other parts of the body (eg liver or kidney disease). Inside the stomach, possible causes are:

1 gastritis (inflammation)

2 gastric

3 Stomach cancer

4 Obstruction (foreign bodies, telescoping of intestine)

5 hiatal hernia (part of the stomach through the diaphragm herniating)

Possible causes of the colon are:

1Infectious diseases (eg parvovirus)

Worms 2

Inflammatory bowel disease 3

4 Cancer

Secondary causes of vomiting that cause diseases in other parts of the body are:

1 Pancreatitis (infection or inflammation of the pancreas)

2 Peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity)

3 Hepatitis (liver inflammation)

4 Renal

5 Pyometra (infection of the uterus)

6 hormonal deficiencies or excesses (eg AddisonsDiseases, diabetes mellitus, sepsis, an imbalance of calcium)

Other possible causes that do not fall into the above categories are reactions (eg digoxin, chemotherapy drugs, NSAIDs) and neurological disorders.

The treatment of vomiting

Vomiting is a symptom, not a disease in itself. If treatment is suitable will depend on individual circumstances. If the dog is only vomiting occasionally, is bright and otherwise normal in the study, the treatment is not likelynecessary. Some dogs with sensitive digestive system once or twice a month, regardless of treatment vomiting, and if they would otherwise be ignored.

For acute vomiting cases the first step should always be to starve the dog for 24 hours (and so much water available ad lib.) After the time of the famine, the dog should be in small portions, a very simple foods like chicken and boiled rice are offered, for a few days. Meals should be fed as smaller portionsseveral times a day, instead of a larger meal.

Although the treatment of symptoms often improve patient comfort and appearance, there is no substitute for making a correct diagnosis of underlying cause, and some medications can be harmful if blind (for example, metoclopramide, a dog with a certain stomach or intestinal obstruction). Certainly require acute cases of severe vomiting and immediate treatment, as dogs can become dehydrated quickly, develop electrolyte abnormalitiesand aspiration pneumonia otherwise.

Manage your dog vomiting

There are 2 goals when it comes to a dog vomit:

1 Identify the underlying cause

2 Stop the vomiting in a safe and effective

In many cases (the technical term for vomiting, vomiting, and in that medications should be treated with drugs called anti-emetics) anti-emetic therapy initiated immediately, while the cause is established.

A veterinarian will start by a complete history,Focus is on normal diet, the newer medications, vaccination status and description of symptoms. He or she must first make sure the dog is vomiting and not regurgitating really a cause completely different. It 'also important to have included a graphic description of the material, and if the bile, fresh blood, and are or what appears to be coffee granules (partly digested blood).

The next step is a thorough clinical examination,including carefully feeling the abdomen, where the dogs rectal temperature and evaluation of water balance. Once this is completed, a veterinarian has a little 'narrowed the list of differential diagnoses in mind. If the dog is not dehydrated, shiny appearance, and both vital parameters and feeling the abdomen were normal, the veterinarian often (rightly) a presumptive diagnosis of gastritis or gastroenteritis if diarrhea is present, and antibioticsto fight the bacterial infection is likely. The owner is then likely be sent home with instructions to starve the dog for 24 hours and give bland food for a few days close to the antibiotics. The owner is invited to observe the dog closely, and return immediately if there are signs of deterioration, or 2 or 3 days later for a check-up routine.

If there are findings of the clinical history and physical examination that trigger concern, then further tests are needed. Thefirst of these is usually blood tests for hematology and biochemistry profiles. Urine and feces can be analyzed, the latter is for bad bacteria or parasites. Additional laboratory tests may in certain circumstances, such as bile acid stimulation tests be required if hepatic dysfunction is suspected, or seek a disease of the adrenal ACTH stimulation test.

The next phase of the program to include images. The most useful is abdominal radiography (X-rays), but ultrasound andEndoscopy can also be very important. Radiography and endoscopy both have to be performed under general anesthesia, while the ultrasound is done deliberately. If the image does not show the cause then biopsies are taken, either endoscopically guided or via exploratory surgery. Histopathology of these samples (microscopic examination of tissue) can provide important clues to the cause, in particular by distinguishing between inflammation and cancer.

The finalTherapeutic option is the diagnostic process. If the dog gets better on their prescribed medications, then there must be some kind of disease that responded to this drug. This reasoning may wormers, antibiotics or an exclusion diet trial are selected.

Drugs used in treatment of vomiting

Antacids and stomach protectors 1

These drugs are useful when it is suspected stomach ulcer. Examples include sucralfate (acts like a plaster over the ulcer), H2-antagonists(Reduce acid production) and omeprazole (also reduces acidity).

2 Metoclopramide

This drug blocks a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the brain, which prevents the activation of the vomiting in the brain (called the chemoreceptor trigger zone). There is only partially effective Here, though, and has the added effect of increasing forward motility of the 'gut. That is, should never be dogs that might have a stomach or intestinal obstruction are given. It can alsoCause mental changes such as hyperactivity and disorientation.

3 Phenothiazines (eg Acepromazine, ACP)

These are effective in blocking dopamine receptors prior to other receptors also participate in the vomiting reflex. They are usually used when metoclopramide failed, but they also have unwanted side effects such as hypotension and sedation.

4 Antihistamines

Histamine receptors are also present in the chemoreceptor trigger zone, the partof the brain that controls the vomiting reflex. Antihistamines are effective in stopping the vomiting associated with motion sickness are, but too little use against other causes.

5 Domperidone

Domperidone has a similar effect to metoclopramide, which blocks dopamine receptors and secondarily blocks serotonin receptors, but has the effect of metoclopramide promotility. However, vulvar enlargement side effects and possible effects on fertility.


This is a new drug that a neurokinin 1 (NK1). It can be administered orally or by injection and is extremely effective at stopping vomiting, working on the vomiting center in the brain and the stomach, it was considered so effective at stopping vomiting that veterinarians must be careful to properly investigate potentially causes that could be fatally dangerous masked by this drug.

Help, my dog ​​vomiting

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Saturday, 6 August 2011

How to make a costume for a James Bond themed event pick

!±8± How to make a costume for a James Bond themed event pick

Picking a costume party is always unnerving, but armed with the right information and a little 'inspiration and ideas together can be the perfect party dress James Bond. While this is true for both sexes, starting with the Bond girls, because they are often the biggest questions in relation to events of James Bond.

Bond girls

If you do not know, Moneypenny and Pussy Galore, you have a James Bond-theme event invitation, or choose a partya costume is a nightmare. In many films of Bond girl seems to appear in little more than a bikini - or simply paint a layer of gold - which makes finding a costume that is actually suitable or subtle, is that much more difficult.

In fact, if you look at the full list of Bond girls, you'll find many of the costumes, which are more suitable for a costume party like wearing bikinis, and while you can only wear a cocktail dress and look the part there are many other optionstoo.

If you are not familiar with the James Bond film, then the best advice is to get a list of Bond girls to provide an overview of what is there to win. One option you have is a Bond girl and dress like pick them up, but there are general ways to Bond girls - for example, the cocktail dress look up and good for the casino and a black suit would work. Or you could Blofeld cat, a white, fluffy Persian cat, who appears in several films of dressing.

Dress like007

The obvious choice is to wear a tuxedo to here, but if everyone will start the same dress that a little '. If you are intent on a tux, try to think and what time you want to be Bond - try a ruffled shirt for George Lazenby, or wide lapels and flares for Roger Moore.

Other options include a mask and snorkel. Although it would be too hot, with a pack of you, this team could use a white tuxedo like in Goldfinger. And if you want something completely differentthen think about the bad guys and thugs. Get some steel teeth and is suddenly the shark, a dark suit and bowler hat and steel-rimmed glasses and Odd Job. These dresses are simple, but it is instantly recognizable and you.

We have a quick overview of the elections a costume for a party of James Bond or other event. Remember that if you are the host you are testing, should be as easy as possible for your guests and include some proposals with the invitations.

How to make a costume for a James Bond themed event pick

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Saturday, 30 July 2011

How to get rid of fruit flies fruit fly trap with a homemade

!±8± How to get rid of fruit flies fruit fly trap with a homemade

Anyone who has ever been sitting a few bananas left out or forgotten to change their garbage knows all too well the problem with fruit flies. It seems that once they've invaded your kitchen, you can not get rid of them. You can clean, scrub, tempting fruit and spray the garbage can with disinfectants, but keep coming back. One can not help but crawl just looking at them.

We have always had problems with fruit flies, one of the main reasons is that we live in aApartment and the law - must recycle. In which we live, we must keep our recycling containers inside until they can be disposed of once a week. If recyclables are not good enough to clean after use, are an ideal breeding ground for fruit flies. They love bits of rotting food remnants and seem to thrive in even the smallest amount. If fruit flies move in, just do not want to leave and eggs and whatever they can find what lay - Fruits and vegetables leftthe counter, sink drains, garbage disposals, empty bottles and cans, garbage bags and even mops and rags.

A Curious about some fruit flies:

- Can lay up to 500 eggs at a time

- Your entire life cycle is completed in about a week

- While considered mainly a pest, they have the potential to contaminate food with harmful bacteria

We all know that playing the removal of food, removing rubbish and cleaning an important role, but we also know howFruit flies move a piece of fruit and a swarm fill the air only to escape your attempts to kill. Where are they going to go? Of course, those who can not easily be captured or killed flying around, which will focus to a different place for the eggs and the cycle begins again to find the laity.

In all my experiments, I found the best way to capture and remove ones to escape, a simple case with a sheet of glass, plastic and a piece of food is to create. Here's howWorks:

1 Get a small pot, you will be using again (like a baby food jar or something similar) and wash well. Make sure that there is a jar with a strange smell like a pickle jar or anything that used to use strong spices. You want a clean, odorless jar.

2 Take a piece of banana and put in cans. Why is a clean, odorless jar like - so that the banana smell will not be overpowered by other not-so-tempting smells. Banana seems to work better, butcan experience.

3 Place a piece of plastic wrap over the rim of the glass to make sure it is firmly attached and sealed at the edges. Then take a pen or pencil, and hit 4-5 holes in the plastic, just big enough to fit into a fruit fly. Once a fruit fly strip, you can not out. You would think that would just fly back through the holes, but will not be!

4 Place the pot in an area where you saw the fruit fly. Depending on the amount of fruit flyhave customers, you can see the glass filled within a few hours. After 24 hours you will discover just how bad your fruit fly problem is!

This simple, inexpensive and safe working perfectly, and if you do not want that glass can on public display, you can always slip behind the garbage can in the pantry or under the sink (Just do not forget!). You want to empty the cup every 3-4 days before eggs have a chance to hatch. While adult fruit flies can noteasily escape through the holes, their maggots can very easily, and also - they are disgusting to watch, crawl into the dish. You do not want to see these things crawling on the counter!

The cleaning of the glass should be no problem. If you have a good heart, you can choose, let them go outside. Personally, I spray the little buggers with bug spray, wash the windows and start the process again, even when I think about to bear fruit flies to left.

Forbad fruit fly problems, you want to use this method for more than two weeks to make sure we have captured most of the fruit flies. You may also want a pair of glasses can be used in different places. Before long, your kitchen will be back to normal.

How to get rid of fruit flies fruit fly trap with a homemade

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